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This Sunday was remembrance Sunday. While 99.9% of the time I am consumed with today’s challenges of work, kids, bills, etc, Sunday was a particular day to remind myself and focus on the freedom that I have: I don’t live in fear or oppression, because of the sacrifice that has been made by countless people.

I live a very blessed life. While it’s not always been easy, none of what I have had to deal with is remotely comparable to those that live in war zones and oppressive cultures around the world. I live in a beautiful south west England, war is not on my doorstep, I am free and I am grateful.

This is because of the sacrifice of so many, giving their lives – both physical and mental. Too often the psychological ramifications that lasted a lifetime inhibited the enjoyment of the freedom they have enabled. It’s easy, in many ways, to think of war as something far off and impersonal. But it is individuals; men and women with families, hobbies, a normal life, deciding to sacrifice themselves for others.

I pray for those living in war and oppression, that freedom and peace would be close. But as well as that, I pray that each person would find a peace and joy despite the circumstances they are in. The apostle Paul wrote to the Philippians (ch 4 vs 6) ‘do not be anxious about anything instead, in every situation with prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God. And the peace that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus’. He is saying that even though peace seems far away, peace, that we can’t understand how it can possibly be felt when we look at the circumstances, can be felt through the miraculous presence of God. How does this work? I can’t even begin to get my head around it, but it does!

I would highly recommend to you this talk: https://www.ebe.org.uk/talksblog/rachelandleah

Sue speaks of Rachel and Leah, who lived 4000 years ago, but who’s attitude and acceptance of God’s peace, transformed their lives. In Leah’s case from isolation and oppression to joy and peace, but in Rachel’s case from all the blessings to a place of sadness and jealousy that consumed her. It’s a story of living above the situation and circumstance you are in, by looking to God and living in relationship with him. What a privilege it is to live in relationship with God, knowing his love and acceptance whatever and whenever 😊

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