We go through our lives, eating, sleeping, spending time with those we love, hoping to bless those around us as we share life together. We wonder if we made the right decisions, we look at others and consider how their lives are different to ours and whether they look at their lives like we do. We are all different, and we all make our own decisions and go our own ways. Diversity is a wonderful thing, with so much richness.
Celebrate your life, and don’t waste it wondering ‘what if’ or wishing you were something or someone else! You are wonderfully made!!!
So, this is a blog about life. Living it to the full: an abundant life!
When I started this blog I read up on what to write about. The recommendation was to find a niche. A niche I thought? What could I do? I’m a ‘Jack of all trades’ kind of person with a mixture of experiences, ups and downs, that have got me to this point. But it’s not the end point and I can’t tell you how to get your dream life. So, as usual I put myself down, think I can’t do it and have nothing to say, and then get a grip and take some advise!
One day my Mother said something that got me thinking. She and my Dad had come to visit for the day, and as we were chatting in the kitchen I noticed that my back gate had come off it’s hinges. So, Dad (being the fixer of everything you can think of!) decided he’d help me fix it, that day. So, the list went for tools and fixings. As I like to fix things myself, I have a treasure trove of tools and left over fixings… so we found everything needed, and more, without any problem. My mother commented that not many housewives would have that at their finger tips. Well, One; I wouldn’t call myself a housewife (I do have a job elsewhere too), and Two; I think a lot of women would really. We are a generation where women can do anything, and we like to be able to. But that may mean that we are juggling lots of things and while we believe we can do everything, sometimes the more we do means that we may not be perfect at (m)any of them. And that, of course, is fine.
When it comes to life and crafts, I’m a complete believer in making an informed decision and then going for it. If the worst that can happen is that I wasted a couple of hours, or I need to pay someone to fix it (which I’d have had to do anyway), then why not. It doesn’t matter if you have an hour free (yes, we can do some diy or crafts in a lunch break!) or a week… or if you are amazingly talented, or just a bit normal like me. Just have a go!!